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关于我们 上海明择会展有限公司成立于2009年,带着“引领中国企业走向世界,实现会展新航标”这一企业愿景致力于全球市场,为国内进出口型企业提供境外展位展览咨询、展台搭建设计、出国访问考察、境外接待等展会服务。我们凭借丰富的组展经验和敏锐的市场洞察以及良性的国际合作。在短短几年时间,公司因业务发展需求,陆续在江苏、广州成立分公司,通过壮大客户群体和自身团队规模,深得合作企业、同行及政府单位的一致的好评,在同行之间亦颇具影响力。 about US Shanghai Easy-Way International Exhibition Co., Ltd, established in 2009, devotes to serve the world market and committed to provide services like: foreign exhibition consult, booth design, abroad observation and study, etc. As one of the leading exhibition company in China, we enjoy a good reputation among our customers due to our rich experience in exhibition, keen market insight and benig... [详细介绍] 暂无记录