.史密斯口号:通过研究,寻找一种更好的方式。 / Through Research, a better way
对质量的不懈追求 /A clear-eyed pursuit of quality
对技术的笃信 /An abiding belief in technology
坚守商业道德准则 / An unwavering set of business ethics
无所畏惧应对变化 /A fearless commitment to change
对员工负责 / A commitment to its employees
对事不对人 Focus on the behavior ,not the person;
维护他人的自信和自尊 Respect people’s self-confidence and self-esteem;
保持建设性关系 Maintain constructive relationship with others;
主动改善情况 Take initiative to make things better;
以身作则 Lead by example.