展会日期 | 2018-05-24 至 2018-05-26 ![]() |
展出城市 | 上海 |
展出地址 | Jockey Exposition Center |
展馆名称 | Jockey Exposition Center |
主办单位 | 上海觐博展览服务有限公司 |
展会日期 | 2018-05-24 至 2018-05-26 ![]() |
展出城市 | 上海 |
展出地址 | Jockey Exposition Center |
展馆名称 | Jockey Exposition Center |
主办单位 | 上海觐博展览服务有限公司 |
展会时间:2017年5月24- 26日(两年一届)
展会地点:Jockey Exposition Center
警用车辆、直升机、船(艇)类: 直升飞机;防弹车、警卫开道车、通讯指挥车、巡逻车、现场勘查车、照明车、破拆车、消防车、生化洗消车、生化救护车、移动安检车、装甲防暴(爆)车、排爆车、电子侦测车、押款车、清障车、囚车、后勤保障车、摩托车;橡胶救生船、冲锋舟、巡逻艇等;
Police vehicle, helicopter, ship (boat) series:Different kinds of police vehicles, special purpose vehicles; Helicopter, unmanned aerial vehicle; Rubber lifeboat, charge boat, patrol boat, etc
安检器材类: 固定(移动)式安检设备、手持安检器材、生化/放射物质安全检测仪器设备、声纳探测仪、毒品快速检测仪器、直(软)式安全检测内窥镜;
Security checking equipment:Different kinds of fixed (moving) security checking equipment and instrument, etc
排爆设备类: 排爆罐、排爆毯、智能排爆机器人、生命探测仪、抢险救援设备、各种切割器材、定向爆破器材等
Elimination explosion:Elimination explosion equipment and instrument, directional blasting equipment, emergency rescue aid, etc.
刑侦器材类: 痕迹、指纹、文件、毒品、微量物、分子遗传学、法医损伤和法医物证等方面的分析检验鉴定设备及试剂;勘查、取证和信息查询设备;心理测试仪器设备;声/像试听分析设备;电子物证检验设备;生物自动识别系统;各种配套应用软件等。
Criminal investigation apparatus and technological products:Trace, investigation, evidence collection and information inquiry equipment; Medical examiner matter witness analytical control appraisal equipment and reagent; Biological automatic diagnosis system and image and processing system; Different kinds of software, etc.
技侦器材类: 监听/反监听、窃听/反窃听、跟踪、定位、密录、密写、密拍、密检、人脸识别、声音识别技术设备及其应用软件等。(将专设保密馆展出)
Emergency response equipment:Emergency response command system, disaster precaution and restoration system, emergency precaution and escaping system, satellite receiving and motion wide band ground connection system, wireless emerg
计算机通讯类: 数字/模拟通讯(单工/双工)基地平台、车载电台、单兵电台;固定/移动计算机设备;图像采集传输设备、人员/车辆GPS定位设备、移动电话多点定位设备及软件;互通互联应急通讯设备;网络运营安全设备及软件;信息情报分析管理技术设备及软件;人员/装备管理软件;干扰和抗干扰仪器设备;职能电子屏蔽设备;系留气球、飞艇、无人机载通讯/摄像/数据传输设备等。
Computer & communication:Digital communication and audio-video transmission technical equipment, fixed/portable computer equipment, GPS equipment; Information analysis management equipment and different kinds of management software, etc
安全防护类: 排爆服、防爆服、防刺服、防生化/放射服、潜水服、智能防爆头盔、防刺靴、防护手套、放毒面具、高强度防护眼镜、勘查防护用品、防弹玻璃、盾牌、救生气垫等。
Safe protective equipment: different kinds of explosion-proof equipment, investigation protection items, bullet-proof material, etc.
枪支械具类: 制式(手枪、冲锋枪、狙击**)枪弹;白瞄/夜瞄/红外成像瞄准器;非致命性发射器及其(烟雾、眩晕、失能、防暴)弹;电警棍、手铐、脚铐、强光手电、警绳、警戒带、枪套、路障。
Weapon:The service pattern guns and the bullet, the service pattern defend against riots guns and series of bullet; day light and night light scope for all guns, infrared scope, laser instructor; low light level night vision device; different kinds of police weapon, etc. (Demonstrated ammunition must pay security fee seperately)
消防器材类: 消防通讯指挥车、多功能消防车(路轨两用车)、智能给氧排烟设备、抢险救灾设备、消防破拆器材、气体检测仪器、正压呼吸器、防护用具、联动报警装置、联动自动灭火装置。
Fire-fighting equipment:Fire-fighting vehicle, different kinds of precaution and fire-fighting unit, emergency rescue aid and equipment, etc.
安防/技防/视频监控类: 城市应急指挥控制系统技术装备及软件;有线/无线视频监控设备、周界预警设备、数字智能门禁、可视电话器材、广播音像器材;防伪技术设备及软件。
Security / Technique guard / Video monitoring: Urban emergency command control system, video monitoring equipment, forgery-proof technical equipment and software
办公设备: 计算机、打印机、复印机、传真机、扫描仪;小型胶印印刷机、装订机;照相器材、投影器材、绘图器材;保险柜; 各种配套应用软件及耗材等。
Office equipment: Computer, printer, duplicator, facsimile machine, scanner; Small offset printing printer, binder; Photographic equipment, projector, cartography equipment; Safety cabinet; Different kinds of necessary software and consumable material, etc.